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The Paganini Technique Violin Book
contains all 24 Paganini Caprices
in the proper order, with
corrected bowing and fingering,
by Gregory Shir


book and open page

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Also included is a guide to
learning and performing the 24 Caprices.

We are really excited to be able to present this technique to the violinists of the world.

We welcome your comments, not only on the technique, but also of our presentation of it.

More specifics will emerge from the Q&A as we correspond with violinists.

$69.99 + shipping

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By purchasing you agree to the following: the information contained in these manuscripts are licensed for use by the original purchaser only. Any further duplication or sharing of copies by any means, either print or electronic, is prohibited. Unauthorized duplication of this document is a violation of U.S. Copyright Law.

© 2008 Gregory Shir
818 644-7050
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©2017 Gregory Shir
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